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Popular detox diets & cleanses

What is a master cleanse?

The Master Cleanse is one of the oldest detox recipes around.  It has been around since 1940, but became more well known after Beyonce Knowles reported losing 20lbs in preparation for her part in Dreamgirls with this detox plan.   While weight loss is a side effect of detoxing, most doctors don’t recommend detox diets for weight loss.  When you stop eating, the first thing to go is water weight and muscle, rather than the belly fat you are trying to lose.  Fat takes much longer to lose, so if you are trying to lose weight and keep it off, a detox diet may not be right for you.  About half, or more, of the weight lost doing a cleanse may come back as well.

Some of the reasons people do the Master Cleanse are:

  • Weight loss- this diet has been known to help people lose 20lbs in just 10 days.
  • Ease chronic pain
  • Cleanse internal waste
  • Boost energy levels
  • Clear skin

How does the diet work?

  • No exercise- it is difficult to maintain physical activity while having such few calories and nutrients
  • No solid food
  • No supplements

What can you have?

You consume only the lemonade beverage, 6-12 times per day.  A single serving of the drink is:

  • 2 tablespoons fresh-squeezed lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons grade-B organic maple syrup
  • 1/10 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 10 ounces filtered water

You also drink an herbal laxative tea each night before bed, as well as water mixed with 2 teaspoons of salt each morning.  Both of these drinks have a laxative effect on the colon, so always be near a bathroom when doing this diet.

Most people follow this diet from 3-10 days.  It is best to do this diet when you have time off of school or work.  It may be difficult to focus or do normal activities while following this detox plan.  After following the diet for however long you choose, it is important to ease back into normal eating.  Try only eating the following foods for 3 days after the cleanse:

  • Vegetable soup
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Juices
  • Smoothies

Side effects

Many people experience:

  • Hunger
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Sluggishness
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Constipation

Following a detox plan is not an easy thing to do, but many people report that after a few days it becomes easier.  Some people even experience a “high” from not eating.  When starting this plan be sure to talk to your doctor if you have any chronic health problems, as this diet can be dangerous for some people with certain conditions.

Martha’s Vineyard Detox Diet

One of the most popular detox diets is the Martha’s Vineyard Detox Diet, also known by the name “Lose 21 Pounds in 21 Days diet”. It was invented by Roni DeLuz, a registered nurse and naturopathic doctor, as a way to heal her body. The detox can be followed for two days, seven days, or the full 21 days. DeLuz recommends people do a full 21 day detox once a year, a seven day detox once per season, and a two day detox every week! The diet is supposed to help the body get rid of toxins, which in turn will help with weight loss.

How does it work?

The principles of this diet are “rest, reduce, and rebuild”. By resting the body and the digestive system, the entire body has a chance to direct energy towards healing rather than digesting all of the food we normally consume. Dieters are supposed to drink liquid every two hours for each day of the diet. These drinks can include:

  • Water
  • Homemade soups
  • Fruit or vegetable juices
  • Powdered greens or berries mixed with water

Supplements are also an important part of the plan as they can further aid in the healing of the body. These include:

  • Enzyme capsules
  • Herb cleansing formula
  • Aloe vera

On top of the supplements, the following activities are recommended to accompany the diet:

  • Lymph drainage massage
  • Cellulite treatment
  • Liver flushes
  • Kidney cleanses
  • Body wraps
  • Detoxifying baths
  • Weekly coffee enemas
  • Colonics

Exercise can be part of the plan as long as it is not too straining. It can be difficult for some people to exercise while only consume so few calories, and for some it can even be dangerous. The types of exercise recommended to accompany this detox diet are:

  • Walking
  • Yoga
  • A chi machine
  • Jumping on a trampoline

This detox diet provides numerous vitamins, minerals, and enzymes from the abundance of vegetable and fruit juices. It is quite low in calories and protein, which may be dangerous for some individuals. The diet will most definitely help you lose weight, but once you are finished with it, DeLuz recommends introducing solid foods slowly back into the diet. Start with things like yogurt, cooked vegetables, fruits, salmon, nut milks, and protein powders to see how you digestive system handles them. It may be tempting to eat as much of whatever you want after not eating for a long time, but this will put the pounds right back on. 

Detox with apple cider vinegar

One of the simplest ways to detoxify and cleanse your body is by incorporating apple cider vinegar into your diet. Apple cider vinegar is one of the oldest folk remedies, used by people all over the world for thousands of years for a variety of ailments. People love it for its ability to support a healthy immune system, control weight, promote healthy digestion, regulate the body’s pH balance, soothe dry throats, and remove toxins from the body. It can also be used externally to tone skin for a youthful look.

What is Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar is made when the sugars in pulverized apples are broken down into bacteria and yeast. This process is called fermentation, during which the sugars turn into alcohol. If the alcohol is allowed to ferment longer it turns into vinegar. Vinegar is French for “sour wine”.

What are the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar?

ACV lovers claim that it is the miracle remedy for all ailments. It really does have almost endless uses. But many of these are not backed up by scientific evidence. A few studies have been done on it and have shown promising results in the following areas:

  • Diabetes- Several studies have found the vinegar can help lower blood glucose levels.
  • High cholesterol- studies have shown that ACV can lower cholesterol
  • Heart health- researchers have found ACV can lower high blood pressure.
  • Cancer- A few lab studies have found that vinegar may be able to kill cancer cells or slow their growth.
  • Weight loss- ACV has been shown to help people feel more full when consumed with food than when eating food alone.

How should you take apple cider vinegar?

The most common recipe for consuming apple cider vinegar is 1-3 teaspoons in 8oz of water 3 times per day. You can also add it to juice, tea, and other beverages. Warm water with apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of honey is a favorite of many people. The Bragg’s brand is a good choice when choosing a vinegar, because it is raw and contains the “mother” bacteria.
Apple cider vinegar is rich in minerals, vitamins, and enzymes, which all help to support the body. This makes it an excellent addition to many diets or detox cleansing programs. In addition to consuming apple cider vinegar, be sure to get moderate exercise, eat a balanced diet full of natural and unprocessed foods, and get plenty of rest.

The Beauty Detox Diet

The Beauty Detox diet is all about feeling younger, feeling healthier, and looking beautiful!  Kimberly Snyder, celebrity nutritionist and fitness expert, designed this cleanse as a means of losing weight and improving appearance.  This detox involves eating easily digestible foods in the correct order and combinations to “promote optimal digestion and elimination of toxins”.

Snyder believes the consuming proteins in the form of animal toxins strains the body.  She says digesting proteins produces toxins in the body that clog the colon and expand fat cells.  While she sounds like a vegetarian herself, it is possible to follow the Beauty Detox Diet Solution without turning vegetarian.  She even includes option for the best types of animal proteins to support your beauty detox.

While following this diet 80% of your foods should come from fruits and vegetables, preferably raw, whole, and uncooked.  The remaining 20% can come from avocado, whole grains, raw nuts, seeds, and a small amount of animal proteins.  There are three phases to the plan, but dieters can start with whichever one works best for them.  The phases are broken down into:

  • Blossoming beauty- helps you adjust to eating alkaline foods and get rid of candida, which is an overgrowth of yeast in the digestive tract.
  • Radiant beauty- consists of “glowing green smoothies” and eating only alkaline foods in the morning.
  • True beauty- the final phase.  Begin each day with a glowing green smoothie and eat small amounts of animal products if desired.

Recommended foods:

  • Green smoothies
  • Green juice
  • Fruit
  • Vegetables
  • Sprouts
  • Sea vegetables
  • Raw nuts
  • Raw seeds
  • Coconut
  • Avocado
  • Quinoa
  • Buckwheat noodles
  • Beans
  • Legumes
  • Raw goat cheese
  • Fish
  • Seafood
  • Organic hormone-free meat
  • Miso
  • Raw honey
  • Organic maple syrup
  • Raw cacao
  • Stevia

Exercise is not a huge component of this detox plan.  Snyder recommends yoga, but says you do not need to exercise in order to see results and get a lean and healthy body.   Incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet is always a good idea.  This detox plan is safer than most as it incorporates a large array of foods and promotes mindful eating.  The fresh juices and smoothies may also heal the skin and lead to a clear and youthful complexion.

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Anti Aging Skin Care – What Really Works?

Your skin changes as you age. If you want flawless, glowing skin, you will need to know what your skin is going through as you age and the things you can do to avoid fine lines and wrinkles.

Skin changes in your 20s

anti aging skincareIn your 20s, your skin is basically perfect, as far as fine lines and wrinkles are concerned. During this time, your skin is usually still plump and radiant. Your skins ability to rebuild skin cells is still in a good range. To further promote collagen and elastic growth, your skin care regimen should include frequent exfoliation.

Limit the amount of sun exposure you have, wear sun block, and avoid tanning beds. A tanned body may be attractive, but the negative effect on your skin from the ultra violet lights in tanning beds decrease your skins ability for skin cell rebuilding and leads to the appearance of lines, wrinkles, and uneven skin pigmentation prematurely. You can achieve a tanned appearance with self-tanning lotions and bronzers.

Skin changes in your 30s

An increase in the breakdown of collagen and elastic begins in your 30s. It takes your skin longer to rebuild skin cells at this time in your life and you start to lose radiance. You may start to notice fine lines around your eyes, mouth, and forehead.

You can increase the radiance of your skin, decrease the appearance of lines, and boost collagen and elastin in your skin by adding some more products to your skin care routine. Skin care products that increase collagen will help your skin to be more firm and plump. You should still be exfoliating your skin frequently.

How your skin in your 40s

Lines around your mouth, eyes, and forehead may be more noticeable at this time. Your skins ability to retain moisture and rebuild collage and elastin has declined in this decade of your life. To slow down the signs of aging you should add serums that rejuvenate the skin to your skin care regimen. You may also be noticing sunspots and issues with uneven skin pigmentation if your skin is also sun damaged.

During this time, you need to be paying even closer attention to changes in your skin, such as new moles or changes to existing ones. Speak with your physician or dermatologist if you have any suspicious moles.

What happens to skin your 50s?

In your 50s, your skin becomes thinner and more translucent. You may notice the appearance of blood vessels in your skin as well. Lines and wrinkles are deeper now around your forehead, nose, mouth, and eyes. Your skin is also much dryer now than in decades past because your skin has less ability to retain moisture.

At this juncture in life, you have amassed many skin care products and your beauty routine takes longer than before. Right now, you need to continue the skin care program you have had thus far, but also add products designed to replace moisture in your skin.

Regardless of your age, smoking cigarettes can make you appear much older over time. Not only do cigarettes contain chemicals that can damage your skin, but it also causes your skin to be dryer. If you smoke, quit. This is, of course, important for your overall health, but it will also improve the health of your skin if you quit.

You should also drink plenty of water, no matter your age, to keep your skin hydrated. Wearing sun block is important no matter what decade in life you are currently in and avoiding tanning beds all together is recommended.

You do not have to buy the most advertised or expensive anti aging skin care products in order to have healthier and younger looking skin. The packaging and price of the skin care product are not nearly as important as the ingredients it contains. When searching for anti aging skin care products that work, you want to pay attention to the ingredients. The ingredients that actually work to make your skin look younger are much more important than the amount you paid for the product.

Retinol for Younger Looking Skin

For firmer skin, the ingredient Retinol is helpful. The active ingredient Retinol in a skin care product works by helping you to make healthy skin cell substances. Skin collagen is also increased due to the ingredient Retinol. If you use an anti aging product with Retinol in it, you will have firmer skin that also has an overall improvement in texture.

Skin Care Products with AHA and BHA

The skin care ingredient AHA is best for use in people with normal to dry skin or who have sun-damaged skin. AHA helps to keep your skin moisturized, increases healthy collagen production, and smoothes your skin’s complexion. BHA is for people with normal to oily skin. If you have oily skin that is prone to breakouts, you will be better off using a skin care product with BHA in it. It will help you see a reduction in redness.

Smooth Out Wrinkles with Vitamin C and Vitamin E

The production of derma collagen can be significantly improved when you use an anti aging skin care product with Vitamin C as one of the ingredients. Fine lines and wrinkles can be reduced by using Vitamin C. It also helps to even out skin tone and improves skin barrier protection. Vitamin E works in synergy with Vitamin C to help you have a more youthful appearance. Pay close attention to the product labels for Vitamin E. Vitamin E is often labeled as tocopheryl acetate, tocopheryl linoleate, totpherol, alpha tocopheryl, tocotrienols, or tocopheryl succinate.

Vitamin B3 Component Ingredient for Anti Aging

Niacinamide is a component of Vitamin B3 and has the ability to prevent your skin from losing water content. It also works to increase the production of ceramides and free fatty acid levels. Many people also have found success in lightening discolorations of the skin and getting rid of acne from using skin care products containing this ingredient.

Green Tea to Reduce Wrinkles

Many anti aging skin care products have green tea in them now. The reason green tea has become so popular in the skin care market is because it works to build collagen, reduce skin inflammation, and provides the necessary antioxidants necessary for younger and more radiant looking skin.

Grape Seed in Wrinkle Reducing Products

If an anti aging skin care product includes the ingredient Grape Seed, you will likely benefit from it. Grape seed has effectively shown to reduce the appearance of wrinkles in many people. It is an antioxidant that also helps to promote wound healing.
Some other ingredients that help provide a reduction in wrinkles, promote healthier looking skin and help with anti aging include curuminoids, soy isoflavens, phospholipids, and ceramides. Finding a product with the majority of all of these ingredients mentioned will greatly help you combat the signs of aging on your skin.

Anti aging skin care ingredients that actually work to promote a youthful looking appearance do not have to cost you a lot of money. You can even see the results by using a product that only has one or more of the ingredients. You just need to realize that the most advertised skin care product for anti aging is not always the most effective and especially not always the most cost effective choice that you have.

Ditch those expensive exfoliators!

Your skin tends to start looking dull as you get older and exfoliating to remove the build up of excessive dead skin cells from your face will really help your complexion. One way to do this is to use a mechanical exfoliator, usually in the form of a facial scrub, sea salt or a microdermabrasion kit for example. I used to do that until a friend of mine, who works in the beauty industry, suggested I try a microfibre cloth.

These are very soft cloths that you are used for general household cleaning, they’re especially good for glass. If you wear glasses, you may have been given a very small one when you got a new pair of glasses. I use mine once a day with my Olay salicylic acid face wash and my skin is much smoother and more radiant. They feel very soft but they’re much tougher than they look so be sure not to scrub too hard otherwise your face will end up looking raw and red depending on your skin tone of course.

The best thing about microfibre cloths – they are super cheap. You can get a pack of them for a few dollars at your local store in the auto or the household cleaning section. The fact that they’re so cheap means that you can change them as often as you like.

Got SPF?

Each time summer rolls around, lots of advice surfaces everywhere reminding you to wear sunscreen while you’re sun worshipping. The timing of these articles e.t.c. can be a bit misleading in a way because it makes it seem as if you should only pay attention to sun protection in the summer. That is a big no-no! Here are a couple of “Did you knows” for you.

Did you know that:

  • the sun causes major long-term damage to the skin that leads to all kinds of scary skin problems from wrinkles to cancer?
  • 80% of the sun’s harmful rays still get through even on a cloudy day?
  • water, sand and snow reflect the sun’s rays which increases your exposure/
  • UVA sun rays (which are largely responsible for wrinkling, age spots and which have been implicated in causing skin cancer) can pass through glass?
  • even if you have olive or dark skin you still need to use sunscreen?
  • you need to use sunscreen on all exposed parts of your body every day even if you’re not going out in the sun?

These are just a few facts that even I was surprised to find out when I started taking sun protection seriously. I have an olive skin tone and I never really thought sunscreen was important for me. I thought it was mainly for my lighter skinned brothers and sisters. I was wrong. Since I started using a moisturiser with sunscreen my skin tone has evened out and the blemishes on my face are much lighter and less noticeable. I use much less make-up than I used to because I don’t need to. I use my moisturiser with SPF every single day! Now I’m trying to make sure I use sunscreen on the rest of my skin that is exposed.

It’s never too late to start protecting your skin from the damaging effects of sun exposure no matter how old you are. Every little helps.
For more information about sunscreen and sun protection, visit the American Academy of Dermatology website here and here. For tips on choosing the right sunscreen, visit here.

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Metabolic syndrome – do you have it?

Metabolic syndrome is a combination of medical disorders that increase your risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes , when occurring together. These are:

  • increased blood pressure,
  •  a high blood sugar level,
  • excess body fat around the waist and
  • abnormal cholesterol levels.

metabolic syndromeIf you have just one of the above medical disorders you do not have metabolic syndrome, but it does mean you are still at an increased risk for developing one of the associated diseases. If you have a combination of two or more of the disorders you are at a very high risk of developing this condition and need to take pay extra attention to your lifestyle choices.

Signs and symptoms

  • Being Overweight.  A diagnosis of obesity must be present as one of the symptoms to be considered part of a metabolic syndrome. A waist circumference of 40 inches or more for men and 35 inches or more for women can be considered obese.
  • High blood pressure. A blood pressure reading of anything above 130/85 (mm Hg)
  • High blood sugar level. A fasting blood sugar level over 100 (mg/dL)
  • High cholesterol.  A reading of 150 mg/dl or higher for LDL and a reading of anything under 40 mg/dl for your HDL levels.

If you have even one of these symptoms you should visit with your doctor. You could have more than one symptom and not even know it. Even if your doctor finds you only have one of these symptoms, it is important to get that condition under control.

Causes of metabolic syndrome

  • Being overweight is a big contributor
  • Smoking. Smoking constricts blood vessels and can increase blood pressure. It can also effect the bodies use of insulin.
  • Genetic factors. Some people may have an increased risk of developing insulin resistance if it runs in their family. Insulin resistance is when your body does not respond correctly to insulin. This means your body is not able to easily process sugar and a build-up of sugar can occur in your blood stream. Insulin’s role is to carry that sugar from the blood and put it into your muscles, fat and liver cells. When that doesn’t work properly you can develop diabetes.

Risk factors for metabolic syndrome

A history of increased blood pressure, heart disease, excess weight gain.

  • Age. There is an increased risk in people over the age of 60. It affects a little less than 10 percent of those in their 20s. However, diet choices in youth can affect outcomes in later years. If there is a genetic risk, some signs of metabolic syndrome may present themselves in childhood.
  • Race. There tends to be a higher risk for metabolic syndrome among Asians and Hispanics.
  • Obesity. A body mass index (BMI)  greater than 25 or a waist circumference of 40 inches or more for men and 35 inches or more for women
  • Hormonal imbalances in women. Imbalanced hormones can causes blood vessel weakening or constricting which can increase blood pressure. Certain hormone imbalances like polycystic ovarian syndrome can also increase a women’s chance of gaining weight.

Diagnosing metabolic syndrome

For women it is important to check your hormonal levels especially if you have a history of  polycystic ovarian syndrome . Your physician will follow a list of guidelines that, if met, will determine your diagnosis of metabolic syndrome. The most common guidelines are as follows:

  • Large waist circumference. A waist circumference of 40 inches or more for men and 35 inches or more for women
  • Triglyceride level (LDL- “bad” cholesterol)  higher than 150 mg/dL
  • HDL level (“good”- cholesterol) — less than 40 mg/dL men or less than 50 mg/dL in women.
  • Increased blood pressure A blood pressure reading of at or above 130/85 (mm Hg)
  • A fasting blood sugar level over 100 (mg/dL)


It can seem overwhelming when you have several symptoms occurring that need to be treated. Just take one step at a time and you will eventually meet your goal. Luckily when you work on one area it positively affects all of the other issues. Simply getting more exercise and losing some weight can help with all of the symptoms. It will help stabilize blood sugar levels, decrease blood pressure and improve cholesterol.

  • Exercise. Get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. You can take a brisk walk or jog around the block. The exercise method you choose should be moderately strenuous. You should be able to make complete sentences but be at least mildly out of breath. If you’re new to exercise, start slowly.
  • Lose weight. Losing just 5% of your body weight will greatly decrease your dangerous symptoms of metabolic syndrome.
  • Eat healthy. Increase fruits and vegetables in your diet. Limit unhealthy fats. Eat fiber-rich foods. Make sure you include whole grains and  beans. Food high in fiber can help lower your insulin levels. Choose white meat or fish over  the more fatty meats, such as pork and beef. If you eat beef, go for the grass-fed variety. Don’t buy processed meats or cheeses. Avoid deep-fried foods. Minimize your use of  table salt. You can try to flavor your food instead with herbs and spices.
  • Stop smoking. Smoking will increase the risk for cardiovascular disease and insulin resistance
  • See your doctor. Get regular check-ups for your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels to see where you stand.

Your physician may prescribe you medications as well. Continue to work with your doctor and ask plenty of questions. Let them know if you are having trouble following a meal or exercise plan and let them guide you towards the right resources.

Outcome of metabolic syndrome

If you don’t make the necessary changes to your lifestyle through diet and exercise your symptoms will continue to worsen. This can lead to a diagnosis of:

  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Stroke

Prevention is key. It is much easier to deal with the current symptoms you have rather than waiting until you have a diagnosis of diabetes, high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease.

You need to commit to a healthy lifestyle. Eating right and exercising is vital.  Healthy choices can easily become part of your life everyday life. You can start by making just one healthy change each day and then start adding others gradually. With these lifestyle changes you’ll be fitter and healthier than ever.

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Detoxifying / cleansing foods – Top 10 picks

With the festive season upon us, it will soon be that time of the year when many of us start talking about detoxifying our systems. We’ll start crash detox diets to recover from the seasonal fatty food and alcohol binge. Not to mention shedding all those unwelcome extra pounds that have made their yearly appearance.

Do you really need to detoxify?

blueberries detoxifying foods

There has been an explosion in crash detox diets recently. Definitely fuelled in by the glowing testimonies from such rake-like celebs as Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie.

No doubt you’ll soon be bombarded with a flood of new do-it-yourself detox books. These will offer you miraculous weight loss, and a fully rejuvenated system in a temptingly short period of time. Most are simply variations on the same tried and trusted formulae of short periods of fasting while consuming a heady mix of liquids and laxatives.

Unfortunately, the effectiveness of such diets is questionable and in some cases may even be harmful.  Indeed, many intestinal experts believe that crash detox flushes are unnecessary. The body is already well-equipped to get rid of toxins on its own.

Nature’s detoxifying system

The liver, kidneys, lungs and skin make up their own highly effective detoxification system. These, if you care for them properly, are more than capable of keeping your body healthy and toxin-free.

Perhaps the best way to help detox and cleanse your system, without the unfortunate side effects of a crash diet, is to provide your organs with the right fuel to keep them functioning at their optimum rate . There is a wide range of natural foods that have great detoxifying qualities. They can give your organs the extra boost they need to rid your system of the inevitable build up of toxins around this time of year.

It may not sound as glamorous as taking the latest celebrity endorsed liquid diet. But if you don’t fancy spending January glugging down gallons of lemon juice and maple syrup between frequent trips to the loo, take action now. Make sure your festive shopping basket contains these ten best detoxifying and cleansing foods. In doing so you can protect yourself from the usual January blues, and go skipping into 2024 as if the turkey dinners and eggnog bingeing never happened:


You can’t beat a bit of beet! Beets are jam packed with vitamins B6, B3, C and beta-carotene. They’re also a great source of iron, magnesium, zinc and calcium. All of which are vital in the elimination of unwanted toxins in the body.

Beets also work to support the gallbladder and liver, which themselves work to break down and remove toxins. Beetroot is the king among beets due to its ability to not only support the liver, skin and hair; but also to lower cholesterol levels.

But the reason it is at number one in this list is that it also contains Betaine. This chemical helps to protect the liver from alcohol poisoning, making it the best line of defence at this time of year. To get maximum benefit from this delicious and seasonal vegetable, try adding raw beetroot to your salads or break up the day with a glass or two of pure beetroot juice.


Lemons always play a vital part in any detox diet and with good reason. For starters, lemons contain high levels of vitamin C which helps fight disease and keeps your skin looking great. But consuming this fruit also provides a range of detoxifying benefits.

Lemon helps to stimulate the release of enzymes in the body. This converts toxins into a more soluble form that you can easily excrete. It also has an alkaline effect helping to restore the pH balance of the body, and counteracts any acidic foods you may have eaten. Try foregoing your morning coffee, and replace it with a cup of hot lemon water with a pinch of ground flaxseed. This will give your body an energising flush ready for the day ahead.


This brings me to one of my favourite “superfoods”: flaxseed and flaxseed oil. When you’re detoxifying your body, it’s especially important to make sure that all of the toxins are properly eliminated from your system. Containing essential fatty acids, including omega-3, flaxseeds are a great way to help the cleansing functions of the body.

Flaxseeds also provide a fantastic source of fibre that will bind and flush toxins from the intestinal tract. As I mentioned before, drinking ground flaxseeds in lemon water every morning is a great start to the day, but they can also be added to cereal or muesli with a sprinkling of our next ingredient….


Blueberries act as an antibiotic by blocking a bacterial build up in the urinary tract, and as a result help prevent infection. They are also rich in phytochemicals, which can strengthen your defences against cancer. What’s more, blueberries have also been shown to possess antiviral properties that help to block toxins from gaining access to the brain, keeping you thinking, as well as feeling, alert and healthy. Blueberries are, of course, fantastic in a wide range of desserts, or you can simply add them to yogurt or cereal for a great detox breakfast.


An apple a day….well you know the rest. Many of the old adages still hold true. Apples continue to be one of the best natural sources of nutrients, minerals and fibres. In terms of cleansing your body, apples contain high levels of the fibre pectin.

These help to bind heavy metals and cholesterol, and prevents any toxic build ups in your intestines. Apples also contain phlorizidin, which can help stimulate bile production in the liver. One thing to remember is to always eat organic, because non-organic apples can contain high levels of pesticide residue.


I was recently on a long haul flight, when a sudden and overpowering stench of garlic filled the cabin. I looked round to see the source of the odour was a young gentleman merrily chewing away on raw garlic cloves from a packet like they were candies.

While this approach may be a little extreme for most people, especially if you’re planning on lingering round the mistletoe this Christmas, raw garlic is another key ingredient in any good detox plan. Long known for its health benefits, particularly in the heart, garlic also helps to cleanse the arteries and contains the chemical allicin.

Allicin boosts white blood cell production to help fight against toxins. Garlic can also prevent a build up of mucous in the lungs and sinuses and has strong antibacterial qualities. It is always more effective to eat garlic raw, but if you (or your loved ones) can’t handle chewing through a few cloves with your afternoon beetroot juice, try adding a little crushed garlic to your salad dressings instead.


Like all leafy green vegetables, this wonderful winter vegetable is rich in iron, calcium and magnesium. It also contains cell-protecting phytonutrients. Cabbage is worth singling out as it also helps the liver to break down any excess hormones. It also cleanses the intestinal tract from unwanted toxins.


Artichoke leaves are a great way to get your body back on track after a period of heavy overindulgence. This antioxidant and fibre rich food increases your ability to digest fatty foods. Artichoke helps increase bile production in the liver. This helps to protect and purify the organ to better carry out its detoxifying duties. The best thing about artichokes is that they taste great, and are easy to incorporate into almost any meal


This distinctive bright yellow spice gets its colour from the active ingredient curcumin. Curcumin has long been used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat various liver and digestive conditions. More recently, scientists have found it to help regenerate liver cells and increase bile production. By including turmeric into your diet, you can even start to undo some of the damage you have been inflicting on your liver over the years.

Green Tea

OK, so the last item on the list is not technically a food. But no detox plan is complete without regular consumption of healthy liquids. Fluids are essential to flush toxins from the body and keep the organs healthy and functioning.

Green tea, rich in antioxidants, protects the liver and fights disease making it a essential in a detox plan. But don’t stop at green tea. You can incorporate a variety of other cleansing foods, that didn’t make this list, by drinking them in different varieties of tea. Two good examples are: dandelion tea, a strong diuretic that flushes the system; and fennel tea, which can rejuvenate and stimulate the liver.

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Chronic Headaches – How To Treat Migraines

Migraine headaches (sometimes called chronic headaches) are moderate to severe recurrent headaches, often occurring on one side of the head, which may last from a few hours to several days. It is estimated that about 6% of men and 18% of women sufferer from migraines in the U.S.

Characteristics of chronic headaches

The pain of migraine headaches is throbbing or pounding in nature and usually occurs on one side of the head during a particular attack, though it usually changes sides with subsequent attacks. A headache that always occurs on the same side of the head suggests that there may be another cause for the headache other than migraine. Attacks may also involve both sides of the head and are usually worsened by day to day activities.

Other symptoms that you may have with migraines include:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • cold hands and feet
  • pallor of the face
  • sensitivity to light and sound

Up to 1/5 of migraines are accompanied by an aura in the form of

  • bright flashing lights
  • a black hole in the field of vision
  • pins and needles in the arms, hands, mouth and nose
  • hearing strange noises
  • strange tastes
  • strange smells

What Triggers Migraines

chronic headache

These are factors that may cause a headache if you have a tendency towards migraines. These triggers vary between individuals. Even in the same person, different factors may trigger a headache at different times.

Examples of known migraine triggers

  • Food (lots of triggers here!)- chocolate, monosodium glutamate, cheese, cigarette smoke, vinegar, sour cream, nuts, pizza, avocados, peas, onions, fermented, pickled and marinated foods, peanut butter, bread with yeast, coffee cakes, doughnuts, beans except green and wax, canned figs, pork, yogurt, citrus fruits, herring
  • Emotional stress
  • Changes in eating and sleeping habits,
  • Bright lights, loud noises, strong smells, smoke, environmental temperature changes
  • Medicine especially oral contraceptives

Hormones and migraines

There is a relationship between the levels of female sex hormones in the body and migraines. All of the following can affect the frequency and severity of migraines:

  • menarche (onset of menstruation in young girls
  • use of oral contraceptives
  • pregnancy (high estrogen levels)
  • menstruation (low estrogen and progesterone)
  • use of oral contraceptives
  • perimenopause (fluctuating hormones)
  • menopause (low estrogen and progesterone)

Menstrual migraine headaches usually occur from 2 days before to 1 day after a period. Some migraine sufferers experience more headaches around the time of their period.

Only about 1 in 7 migraine sufferers can identify what triggers their headaches. Also, avoiding the known triggers is not a guarantee that headaches will not occur.

Diagnosis of migraine headaches

Migraine headaches usually start in the late teens and early 20s. A migraine occurring for the first time later in life should be treated with suspicion as causes other than migraines are more likely (e.g. hypertension, brain tumor e.t.c.). Diagnosis of migraine headaches is made by identifying the symptoms I’ve mentioned already.

Treatment information for chronic headaches – migraine headache cures

Treating chronic headaches – general measures

There are several things you can do to relieve migraine headaches. Many don’t involve medication and may also increase the effectiveness of any medicine you take:

  • putting ice blocks on your forehead
  • using relaxation techniques may help to shorten the duration of an attack
  • acupuncture and reflexology have been useful for some people
  • if you can manage it, getting some sleep may shorten the attack

Menstrual migraine headaches

The following may be useful:

  • Natural bioidentical progesterone cream – 60% of women who experience menstrual migraine headaches have low progesterone levels relative to estrogen and using progesterone cream usually helps to shorten the duration of an attack and over time reduce the frequency of attacks.(Read about guidelines for using natural progesterone cream )
  • If you’re using oral contraceptives ( the pill ), a low dose estrogen/progesterone combination taken without taking a break (which mean no monthly “period” during that time) may help to avoid fluctuations in hormone levels.
    Alternatively, a low dose HRT patch may be used.
  • Vitamins and minerals taken before the onset of your period may reduce the severity of your headaches:
    • Vitamin D
    • Calcium
    • Magnesium (200-600mg daily)
    • Vitamin B2 (400mg daily)
    • Vitamin B6 (50-100mg daily)
  • Over the counter anti-inflammatory pain-killers like ibuprofen (Advil, Nuprin e.t.c.) and naproxen (Aleve) usually relieve the pain of mild to moderate chronic headaches. Acetaminophen may be a useful alternative.
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Deficiency in magnesium & symptoms of low magnesium

Magnesium deficiency can be hard to recognise but it is important. Magnesium performs many important functions in the body. You need it for normal electrical activity in the nerves in the brain and the heart. It is involved in chemical reactions all over the body.


The recommended daily requirement for magnesium is up to 420 mg for men and 360 mg for women. Most people are getting much less than this. As a result, magnesium deficiency is quite common.

There are four different ways you can become magnesium deficient.

Magnesium deficiency from decreased intake

If you don’t eat enough magnesium in your diet, you may develop a deficiency. There are several ways this can happen:

  • The soil has been depleted from years of over-farming and it contains fewer nutrients than it did before
  • Eating a lot of processed food can also decrease your magnesium intake. Magnesium is one of the many nutrients stripped away when food is processed to make it more palatable and addictive.

Decreased absorption of magnesium

You may not absorb enough magnesium into the body even if you take enough in your diet. 

  • The acid in the stomach is needed to absorb magnesium into the blood. Anything that decreases stomach acid affects magnesium absorption. This include drugs like omeprazole used to treat peptic ulcers.
  • Drinking a lot of carbonated, fizzy drinks and sodas can decrease magnesium absorption from the gut.

Increased demand for magnesium

Increased demand for magnesium can create a relative deficiency. If you’re using up a lot of magnesium, the supply cannot keep up with demand. You will not have enough for your body’s needs.

Several conditions can cause this. These include:

  • stress – You use a lot more magnesium when under stress. 
  • sleep – When you don’t get enough sleep, your magnesium requirements increase.
  • a high sugar diet – you need magnesium to convert sugar into energy. The more sugar you eat, the more magnesium you need.

Increased loss of magnesium

Another way to become deficient in magnesium is through increased loss of magnesium from the body. This loss takes place through the urine:

  • drinking lots of coffee and tea increases the loss of magnesium in the urine.
  • water pills, known as diuretics, stop the kidney from re-absorbing magnesium back into the blood. As a result, you lose more of it in the urine.

Common symptoms of magnesium deficiency

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency are a little bit vague and somewhat non-specific. These could be signs and symptoms of many different kinds of diseases that can occur in the body. They include:

  • tiredness,
  • being anxious and jumpy all the time,
  • depression,
  • difficulty falling asleep,
  • difficulty staying asleep,
  • leg cramps, particularly at night,
  • palpitations and 
  • raised blood pressure

What does magnesium do?

Imagine you accidentally slam your finger in a door. Several things will happen:

  • you will almost immediately feel pain,
  • after a while, your finger will turn red,
  • it will also feel hotter than the surrounding skin,
  • it will swell up and 
  • you won’t be able to use it.

These are all signs of acute inflammation.

Now imagine this process is going on all around your body all the time but at very low levels. This is called low grade, chronic inflammation.

Many modern diseases are linked to chronic low-grade inflammation. Magnesium is anti-inflammatory – it calms down this inflammation.

Magnesium helps to relax blood vessels. This is very important in hypertension, where the blood vessels become narrowed.

Relaxation of blood vessels increases the blood flow to vital organs in the body. This helps them to function better because they get more nutrients and more oxygen.

Magnesium has a relaxing effect on the brain. It helps to relieve anxiety and helps with sleep.

Magnesium has a relaxing effect on the muscles. This can help with cramps, particularly leg cramps, which are common in magnesium deficiency.

Testing for magnesium deficiency

Most of the magnesium in the body is in the bones and inside the cells. Estimating the amount of magnesium in the body is not easy. Seeing as magnesium supplementation within the recommended daily allowance is relatively safe, one way to assess deficiency is to supplement with magnesium and see if existing signs and symptoms improve.

How do you increase magnesium levels in the body?

  • Avoid processed, packaged food that has had all its nutrients stripped away. Eat more natural food rich in magnesium like sesame seeds, cashews, black beans, spinach, sunflower seeds, coconut milk and coconut water.
  • Avoid drugs like omeprazole and avoid fizzy sodas and soft drinks.
  • Manage your stress levels and make sure you get enough rest for sleep. This will help to reduce chronic inflammation and your magnesium requirements will go down.
  • Limit the amount of tea and coffee that you drink each day. 

Magnesium supplements

Supplementing with magnesium within the recommended daily allowance is safe for most people. As usual, you have to consult your doctor, especially if you have kidney disease.

There are many different types of magnesium supplements on the market. The magnesium has to be in a form that can be absorbed and used by the body. 

A prime example is magnesium oxide. Magnesium oxide is one of the worst forms of magnesium to use for supplementation. It is one of the cheapest and most abundant forms of magnesium. Magnesium oxide passes right through the intestines, hardly any of it gets absorbed into the body. So if you’re trying to supplement with magnesium oxide, you are literally flushing your money down the toilet. 

You are better off spending a little bit more money and getting the kind of magnesium that can actually be absorbed and subsequently used by your body. There are lots of different options, some of which are better for certain things than others.

The different types of magnesium supplements include magnesium citrate, magnesium glycinate, and magnesium threonate.

You can use magnesium chloride to make “magnesium oil”, which you apply to the skin. 

A potential side effect of magnesium supplements is more frequent bowel movements which is worse with some forms than others.

My favourite forms of magnesium are magnesium glycinate and magnesium taurate. They are both very well absorbed. These forms of magnesium are great if you have problems with hypertension, abnormal heart rhythms and palpitations. They are easy on the bowels and don’t usually cause diarrhoea.

Have you used magnesium supplements before? Which is your favourite type? Let me know in the comments.