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Natural oils for vaginal dryness, soreness & irritation

Although it’s hardly talked about, every woman experiences vaginal dryness at some point in her life. It’s most common in women above 40, but even in your 20’s and 30’s it can affect you. Apart from being uncomfortable and frankly annoying, it can interfere with an otherwise healthy sex life.

oils for vaginal dryness

Some of the symptoms of vaginal dryness are itching, burning, soreness, frequent urination, and pain during sex. Luckily, there are plenty of natural oils that you can use to feel better. Figuring out why you’re suffering from a dry vagina and how to treat it will help you feel more confident, comfortable, and sexy.

Hormonal changes are the most common reason why women experience vaginal dryness. Estrogen plays a huge role in the overall health and pH levels of the vagina. Estrogen levels drop during menopause and after childbirth. And without enough estrogen, the vagina can’t produce enough lubrication.

As if mood swings and intense chocolate cravings weren’t bad enough! If you aren’t menopausal or postpartum, consider getting your hormone levels checked by a doctor- you may have a hormonal imbalance.

Healing vaginal dryness

Stay hydrated

This may seem simple and obvious. But if you aren’t drinking enough water, you won’t be able to produce enough lubrication! Aim for 8 cups a day.

Medication may cause vaginal dryness

Different medications, especially birth control, can cause vaginal dryness. Have a look at the medications you’re taking and see if any of them list vaginal dryness as a side effect.

Relieve stress

Anxiety and stress just make everything worse. Your body is tense and everything feels out of whack. Reflect on your lifestyle and habits and see if anything is overwhelming you.

Lifestyle habits

The foods you eat have a direct effect on all systems of your body. Eating too much sugar can throw off the pH balance in your vagina, leading to all kinds of symptoms. Cigarettes are known to decrease circulation, which won’t help you feel better- another reason to quite smoking!

Other health issues that worsen vaginal dryness

Dryness can also be a symptom of other female health issues like yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis, or a UTI. It is possible to treat yeast infections and BV at home, but an un-treated UTI can be very dangerous. Be sure to see your doctor if you are unsure.

If you’ve figured out the reason why you have vaginal dryness, great! Removing whatever aspect of your life that was causing dryness is the first step to feeling better. But there are still many natural oil treatments you can use that will begin the healing process and help you feel more comfortable. Adding the following suggestions into your life can increase your overall health, save you a trip to the doctor, and save you money!

Natural oils for vaginal dryness

Coconut oil

Coconut oil should be a staple in your kitchen and medicine cabinet! Coconut oil contains lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid and is antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, and antibacterial. It improves the health of your hair, skin, heart, immune system, digestion, and can aid in weight loss. Apply a small amount of coconut oil directly on the entrance to the vagina everyday, before having sex (it makes a great substitute for store-bought lube), or whenever you are feeling irritation. Eating a teaspoon or so a day will help clear up and prevent other health issues. An excuse to eat more tasty and healthy fat!

Olive oil

Olive oil is another super healthy oil. Apply this directly to the opening of your vagina on a daily or as needed basis. Pour it over your salads or other foods. Avoid cooking with it though, as it has a low smoke-point.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E oil capsules can be inserted directly into the vagina for relief from dryness. Simply find a capsule with no scratches, insert it into your vagina with clean hands, and your vagina will absorb the contents of the capsule. You can also pierce a capsule and rub some of the oil onto the opening of your vagina. Vitamin E oil has been known to strengthen the vaginal lining and increase flexibility.

Calendula oil

Calendula oil, known for it’s healing and soothing properties for all types of ailments, has been known to heal the tissues of the vaginal wall. Calendula contains a high amount of flavenoids, which protect cells from free radicals. It increases blood flow to the area, which speeds the healing process. You can find some at your local herb store, or online.

Comfrey oil

Comfrey oil, another time-tested herbal oil ally, can also help the vagina strengthen and produce its own natural oils. It is a powerful plant that contains allantoin, which has been known to aid in the healing of bone and tissue. Another product you can find at your local herb shop or the Internet.

Evening primrose oil

Evening primrose oil capsules can be taken orally or vaginally for relief from dryness. This oil contains gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an essential fatty acid that is required for growth, development, and healing of the body. It also helps to relieve many other symptoms associated with menopause.

Essential oils

Essential oils such as jasmine, geranium, lavender, clary sage, neroli, anise, fennel, cypress, angelica, coriander, sage, peppermint, lemon, rose, and chamomile all contain hormone-like substances that are helpful during menopause. They are also soothing when mixed with one of the above-mentioned oils (ie coconut oil) and applied to the vagina. Use only a few drops, and never place essential oils directly on the skin without carrier oil.

Sweet almond oil

Sweet almond oil can be mixed with any of the above essential oils for applying directly to the vagina. It is one of the richest natural sources of Vitamin E.

Essential fatty acids

Essential fatty acids (EFA) are very important in the body as they are used to produce hormones. Fish oil, flaxseed oil, borage oil and olive oil all contain omega-3, 6, and 9, respectively. You can take this by mouth to help relieve your dryness from the inside.

What you should avoid

Stay away from douching, heavily scented soaps and body products, scented tampons/pads, and be sure to wear breathable cotton underwear. Your vagina is self-cleaning, so use only water on the area when bathing and avoid harsh soaps!

If vaginal dryness is affecting your sex life, be sure to talk with your partner and let them know what is going on. You will be able to heal easier and faster without the extra stress of a confused partner. It may seem embarrassing or difficult to bring up, but remember- your partner can’t read your mind! Associating sex with pain due to vaginal dryness can make it even more difficult to recover and enjoy a healthy sex life again. So be sure to experiment with some of these remedies and see what works for you.

Natural cures can be much easier and inexpensive than a lot of pharmaceutical medications, and have hardly any side effects. If dryness persists or worsens, it is important to see a doctor or certified naturopath for further assistance and advice.

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